- Category: Press Release
- Written by Andreea Hagiu
- Hits: 3385
January 23, 2016 - Project Launch
Bucharest, January 23, 2016. Oportunidad Dance School launched the European project Oportunidance "Dance your way to other cultures".
Oportunidad Dance School, together with the Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest, launched, in the presence of about 100 participants, a European project of non-formal education which aims at strengthening knowledge and abilities through social and intercultural interaction, communication in foreign languages, improvisation, dancing and through the use of digital instruments for teaching purposes.
Oportunidad Dance School, together with its partners, won the European project of non-formal education Oportunidance "Dance your way to other cultures". The project adresses adults who love foreign languages, dance, European culture and civilization, eager to learn constantly.
The partners of the project are: The Academy of Economic Studies (Romania) – coordinator, Oportunidad Dance School / Vertical Club Association (Romania), Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) Official Escola d'Idiomes de Barcelona (Spain).
The beneficiaries of the Project are adults who have the opportunity to get involved in motivating and innovating activities of linguistic and intercultural education, social dance, personal development and artistic expression to achieve personal goals in a creative manner.
The main project objectives are:
- Strengthening competences in six foreign languages - French, Romanian, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese and English –in order to increase the chances of having access to a better job, to benefit from various types of information written in the languages of the Projectand to provide means to a well-balanced social life and personal development.
The activities specific to this goal will be structured on three language levels and implemented through 4 modules:
• General knowledge
• Languages for specific objectives: social dance
• Languages for special purposes: professional and business fields
• Intercultural Communication, Culture and Civilization
- Strengthening social dance skills while involving as many beneficiaries as possible in the recreational social activities which promote a healthy lifestyle, the social dance being known for its numerous benefits.
- Strengthening digital skills through online learning modules in order to make better use of the contemporary communication tools.
Stages and activities:
• January-July 2016: Research in the field of foreign languages with specific purposes, on the use of ICT for teaching purpose, on social dancing, intercultural communication and creation of the online learning modules.
• August 2016 - April 2017: Learning via the online modules which can be accessed free of charge.
• May-October 2017: multiplier events –three day sessions during which workshops will be organized, various dance styles will be taught in the Project languages as well as intercultural communication activities.
Multiplier events will take place in Lisbon, Brussels and Bucharest. For each of them, a total of 60 places are available for the Project’s participants, the main target of the workshops being to valorize the notions, knowledge and skills acquired via the online modules. The selection of candidates will be made by contest; the main criterion is the number of modules achieved by each participant registered on the platform.
The students of the partner institutions will have priority to these events. The participation costs will be partially covered from the budget of the Project.
About Oportunidad Dance School
Oportunidad is a school of dance, theater, improvisation and personal development. We are a team of professionals with wide experience on the stage and backstage. We have kept thousands of courses and workshops, organized hundreds of events in which we always pursued three goals: vision, progress, active leisure. To achieve them, we combine the world of the theater with the dancing world and that of non-formal education and we are proud of the originality of our courses.